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Β-otherSide Records proudly presents the previously unreleased second album of Syndromo from 1984. Syndromo have created a unique sound by mixing electronic and ethnic music elements, which are blended uniquely in their several live appearances between 1982-1984. The album contains 11 tracks which are approximately 1 full hour of music and especially for this release, there will be a 7'' Single with 4 extra tracks of 18 minutes of music, taken from the album's demo. The release comes in 350 hand-numbered copies and contains a 4 page coloured insert with a translated biography of Syndromo plus unreleased photos. The cover is a unique painting of Nikos Lyberopoulos (Nicholas Liber), especially made for this album from 1984. The audio master was made by Yiannis Kyris and Nick Dervisis designed the 4-page inlay.

In Mint condition.

Release Date: 2019-12-28
Available at 20 €Order Now
Listen to the music on Youtube

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